Whether you are looking for a lower interest rate, lower payments or lower repayment period, Progressive Capital is here to help you take control back from your previous lenders so that you can dictate the future of your business going forward.
As a business owner, you may have borrowed funds from several sources, including multiple loans or lines of credit. As a result, you would have taken on the burden of having multiple payments to make to different lending sources. Those payments each have different rates and different terms. In our experience, we have seen this situation of multiple borrowing lead to complicating the finances and costs of a business.
At Progressive Capital, we work with business owners that have found themselves in situations involving multiple loans or borrowed from multiple sources, and we help those businesses achieve financial freedom and flexibility by working together to create a personalized consolidation package that will get rid of multiple payments and multiple loans and replace that mess with a clear and simple single payment with a fixed repayment term.
This type of financing helps businesses save significant money by paying less interest and making payments over a more flexible term. Rather than worry about multiple payments and different terms, you can prioritize your focus on the business needs and growth instead of spending too much time on paying back your lenders.
Loan consolidation not only lowers debt, it also helps to increase credit scores by making it easier to make timely payments without having multiple lenders out there reporting multiple outstanding balances each month.
Simple is the name of the game at Progressive Capital. As such, we like to make loan consolidation simple for our clients. Likewise, the benefit of loan consolidation to our clients is having a simple single loan with a simple single payment over a simple single repayment period. You will no longer have a messy pile of multiple loans or lines of credit. And you will save money by paying less overall than you were paying to all those multiple lenders. We focus on making your loan payments simpler to manage, so that you can simply focus on managing your business.